Tuesday, December 31, 2019

To Kill A Mockingbird Character Analysis Essay - 791 Words

Drama, deception, doubt, and death lace the pages of To Kill a Mockingbird, created masterfully by Harper Lee. From a rousing court case to a reclusive neighbor, challenging situations wait at every turn. How individuals handle these circumstances depends on their qualities. Lee portrays many diverse characters in this novel. While some become uncertain and crumble under the pressure of tough situations, others force themselves unfalteringly through. Some measure up, but others fall short. Although many characters presented in To Kill a Mockingbird display notable qualities, the steadiness of Atticus, Miss Maudie, and Reverend Syke shines through. Atticus demonstrates noticeable equanimity throughout To Kill a Mockingbird. When tough†¦show more content†¦However, even then she declared: â€Å"Always wanted a smaller house†¦Gives me more yard†¦Why, I hated that old cow barn. Thought of setting fire to it a hundred times myself†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (73). Instead of appearing devastated, she acted genuinely glad; however, it surely posed a challenge to grow accustomed to living with someone else, requiring considerable emotional stability. In addition, another demonstration of her dependability arises in chapter 24 when Miss Stephanie Crawford instigates quizzing Scout about if she plans to become a lawyer; however, with a touch from Miss Maudie, Scout responds that she simply desires to become a lady. Miss Stephanie replies that Scout must begin wearing dresses more often if she plans on that; â€Å"Miss Maudie’s hand closed tightly on mine, and I said nothing† (230). The gentle equanimity of Miss Maud ie helps Scout remain composed, as well as herself when struggles arise. Reverend Syke exists as a third person who exhibits evident steadiness. Amid a crisis, he remains reliable without stumbling. For example, in chapter twelve when Calpurnia ushers Jem and Scout with her to church, Reverend Syke preaches passionately, greets them graciously, and kindly collects money for Tom’s family, although the case concerning Tom Robinson weighs heavily on his mind (121-123). However, he pushes on, steady in his faith and his focus, rather than allowing the circumstances to rule his behavior. Another display ofShow MoreRelatedTo Kill a Mockingbird Character Analysis Essay763 Words   |  4 PagesEssay Prompt: In a 1-2 page character analysis, explain what makes Atticus such a good parent, using quotes and evidence from the text to back up your claims. The Most Memorial Parent In 2003, the American Film Institute chose Atticus Finch, a respectful, dignity attorney from To Kill a Mockingbird, as the greatest hero in 100 years of film history. Harper Lee published To Kill a Mockingbird in the 1960s and it immediately received huge acclaims from readers throughout the world. In the novelRead MoreTo Kill A Mockingbird Character Analysis Essay711 Words   |  3 Pages In Harper Lee’s novel, To Kill a Mockingbird, she writes about what it’s like to live in a small town around the 1930s. Lee tells the story of life in the town of Maycomb through the eyes of an innocent girl named Scout. Scout and her brother, Jem, go through many events together over the three years that the book takes place such as meeting Dill, getting presents from Boo Radley, learning about the people in their neighborhood, and going to school, just to name a few. By using a child as the narratorRead MoreTo Kill A Mockingbird Character Analysis Essay869 Words   |  4 PagesTo Kill a Mockingbird, written by Harper Lee, is a book that takes place in Maycomb, Alabama. It is about a young girl, Scout, and her brother, Jem, learn about the racial and social ranks in society at the time of the Great Depression through struggle and events that occur throughout the book. To convey this theme, the book focuses on the trial of a black man accused of and mistreated due to the white supremacy at that time. The book also focuses on the story of a misunderstood man named Boo RadleyRead MoreTo Kill A Mockingbird Character Analysis Essay889 Words   |  4 PagesTO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD ESSAY Audience: People who have read To Kill A Mockingbird. Purpose: To get readers to understand that although Mayella is guilty of causing an innocent man’s death, she still deserves some sympathy. Suddenly Mayella became articulate. I got somethin to say, she said. Atticus raised his head. Do you want to tell us what happened? But she did not hear the compassion in his invitation. Is Mayella a character for whom we should feel compassion? In Harper Lee’s To Kill aRead MoreTo Kill A Mockingbird Character Analysis Essay838 Words   |  4 PagesWe all have those special books that we hold close to our hearts due to the transformative affect they have upon us. Harper Lee’s, To Kill a Mockingbird (1960) is one such book. This story of discrimination may just alter the way we all view ourselves, others and the world we live in. Set in the 1930s throughout the Great Depression in South Alabama, the novel allows us all to come to the disturbing realisation that this novel remains as apt today as it did when it was first written 57 years agoRead MoreTo Kill A Mockingbird Character Analysis Essay816 Words   |  4 PagesIn Harper Lee’s novel To Kill a Mockingbird, one of the main themes is not to judge others if you do not actually know them. In the book there are several times that an individual or many people will judge someone based on what they have heard from others. The main character Scout and he r brother Jem are taught from an early age by their father Atticus not to conclude your thoughts of a person without getting to understand them. In the beginning of the book Scout and Jem have heard many rumorsRead MoreTo Kill A Mockingbird Character Analysis Essay807 Words   |  4 PagesTo Kill a Mockingbird is the story of the trial of a black man, Tom Robinson for the raping of a white woman, Mayella Ewell, in racist Alabama in the 1990’s. Tom Robinson’s trial for miscegenistic rape and his ultimate death paralleling in importance Tracy Deen and Nonnie Andersons interracial affair. The Ewells knows that they are the lowest of the among. The whites in Maycomb they have no money, education, and breeding. Bob and Mayella would like to better their station in life. Bob is unwillingRead MoreEssay about To Kill a Mockingbird: Character Analysis of Jem and Scout580 Words   |  3 PagesTo Kill a Mockingbird: Character Analysis of Jem and Scout   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Imagine just two young kids maturing within a matter of years. Imagine that same two kids, experiencing or understanding things that they aren’t meant to at a young age. Jem and Scout were just like that. They have experienced many things that they shouldn’t have at their age. Scout on the other hand, seems to be the one maturing the most. Throughout this whole essay, you will learn about Jem and Scout’s attributes, personality, andRead MoreAnalysis Of The Book Of Kill A Mockingbird 1271 Words   |  6 PagesJourney Tasopulos Brannen ELA-8 19 April, 2015 Novel Analysis: To Kill A Mockingbird Selection: I selected this book because its the best book I have ever read. I read To Kill A Mockingbird last year and my class wrote an essay about this book, since I already know so much about this book I thought it would be a nice and quick read. I thought it would be a great enjoyment to refresh my memory of this epic book. I watched the movie soon after I read the whole book and it was very fun to pick outRead MoreA Separate Peace And To Kill A Mockingbird Analysis830 Words   |  4 PagesChinedu SR Spiers EIH Compare and Contrast Essay 15 Dec. 2017 The two novels A Separate Peace by John Knowles and To Kill a Mockingbird both share major commonalities within the text, which take multiple glances to fully comprehend. For instance, one major commonality that both novels share is the recurring symbol that plays a major role in the character’s lives. That symbol is the tree. This tree that captivates both Scout and Jem in To Kill a Mockingbird, and the tree that shows the bond between

Monday, December 23, 2019

Hunger in Africa - 905 Words

Rich Summative Task HUNGER IN AFRICA Christine Mande HEOR-02 Mr.Dragan January 18th 2013 Hunger is one of the most common problems in the world. It is such a dangerous thing. It kills more people in a year than AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis combined. Many countries struggle with famine and they don’t have much help either. Countries like Somalia, Ethiopia, Mozambique and Sudan are some of the countries that suffer from hunger more than others do. In Africa there are 60% of people who go to bed hungry and mainly half of those 60% barely ever eat. Still out of those 60%, only 37% get to drink clean water and the rest doesn’t. Almost more than a million of people die of hunger in Africa. It has already become a serious†¦show more content†¦There are many things to do to help. We can start by donation to the charities that are helping out with the problem. Take the Hunger Project as an example you can donate as much money as you want. You can also help by doing online volunteering which is just doing some research and translation for The Hunger Pr oject organization. By becoming an activist, you can make foundraisers and more interesting things. For the Heal Africa organization, the best thing you can do is donate money, which is going to be used in the most effective ways to help the people who are stuggling in Africa right now. For the Heifer Organization, buy a cow buy a goat and give the gift of stock. Also donating is one of the best ways in which you can help. An other thing you can do to help all starving africans at once, is just SPREAD the word. By communicating the word around, enough people will want to make a change. More people will donations that can help pay for the shipping of the food from a country to an other. Its time for everyone to start caring. Many people take everything they have for granted and forget that there are people out there that dont eat at all. We all need to start helping to make the change we want to make. Sources http://www.crs.org http://www.africanhunger.org http://www.oprah.com/oprahshow/Organizations-in-the-Registry-for-Girls-and-Women http://www.heifer.org/ http://www.healafrica.org/Show MoreRelatedHunger in Sub-Saharan Africa: The Astonishing Truth Behind Starvation1717 Words   |  7 Pagessub-Saharan Africa, every 3 seconds a child under five dies from AIDS and hunger, and more than 90 percent of the people are suffering long term malnourishment. (World Health Organization) In addition to this, measles are taking the life of a boy almost every minute, when a measles vaccine cost less than $1. (WHO, World Health Organization) Things are moving in the wrong direction, says Marc Cohen (International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) Washington). If we look at sub-Saharan Africa as aRead MoreHunger Is Not An Issue Of Charity1625 Words   |  7 Pagesâ€Å"Hunger is not an issue of charity. It is an issue of justice† (10 Ways to Stop World Hunger†). Every year, million s of people die all over the world due to disease, war, and old age, but hunger is commonly overlooked. Diseases like cancer are constantly being studied in order to find a cure, but for hunger, there is one cure: food. While charity is essential to fighting hunger in Africa, it only meets short-term needs. It feeds people, clothes them, and gives them shelter, but it does not solveRead MoreThe Problem Of Hunger By Bill Gates992 Words   |  4 Pagesenough farmers in Africa to increase productivity by 50 percent for the continent overall† , this was one of the line said by Bill Gates in his article explaining his goals on farming. One of the main goals that many people hope to accomplish is world hunger. Many of the article explain what the goal is and how they think it can be solved. There are many contributions to hunger such as farming and nutrition. 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Every living thing on the face of the earth needs nutrition to survive, grow, and reproduce. Unfortunately, about 795 million people in the world do not have enough to eat. This number represents about 1 in 9 people on the planet and is much higher in developing countries where 13% of the population is malnourished. MalnutritionRead MoreThe Effects Of Malnutrition On Educational Disparities910 Words   |  4 PagesThe Impact of Malnutrition on Educational Disparities in Africa By: Merette Khalil and Blessing Kuebee, African Students Association At the start of the millennium, various United Nations (UN) partners came together to tackle some of the world’s deadliest and most pressing social and economic problems, and in doing so, established the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). In the past 15 years, the MDGs have been evaluated and re-evaluated. This year the UN has declared a new set of 17 goals forRead MoreThe Main Cause Of Famine On Africa1674 Words   |  7 PagesGeography The main cause of famine in Africa is Natural hazards. Africa has been associated with famine for a long period of time and is still the case today.Research has shown that more than 90 million people living in Africa have been affected by hunger and are malnourished.This raises a question of what the root causes of this problem could be, considering that this has been an ongoing problem. Some people suggest that the main cause of famine in Africa over the years and is still the case todayRead MoreThe Hunger Games By Susan Collins1231 Words   |  5 PagesThe world is divided in high, middle and lower class of people. The argument of Social Inequality is so trivial today, most of the people refuse to believe it even exist. The Hunger Games, an accurate book by Susan Collins, is a microcosm of what is going on in the world today. Social inequality occurs at all levels in The Hunger Games. The book is all about how the poor suffers while the rich enjoy. The nation of Panem, where wealth is heavily stored up in the hands of those living in the Capitol,Read MorePoverty: The Silent Killer Essay1008 Words   |  5 Pageson $2.50 per day. Living the life of poverty is like living on a rapid downward spinning spiral towards failure. If you were born into poverty there is a slim chance of you making a brighter future for yourself. IN some countries, especially Africa, they have a law that states if you’re contagious then you can’t go to school. Most kids in poverty are chronically ill, therefore seldom going to get an education. The lack of education is a major difficulty for these children later in life. AccordingRead MoreThe Food And Agriculture Organization1388 Words   |  6 Pagespoverty and hunger in sub-Saharan Africa. African countries like Somalia, Kenya, Ethiopia , Djibouti and South Sudan is struggling with access to food has become a humanitarian catastrophe. The U.N. Millennium Project reported that over 40 percent of all Africans (this is the highest percentage of any region in the world) are unable to regularly obtain sufficient food and every 3.6 seconds another person dies of starvat ion and the large majority is children under the age of 5. â€Å"Hunger, is the world’s

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Tobacco tax Free Essays

Tobacco tax: good for health, government finances Tobacco use kills over 5 million people each year and is the largest single preventable cause of premature death. l Tobacco is very costly to society through high costs to treat tobacco-induced disease or through loss of productivity as a result of the premature deaths. But governments have a tool to combat the costs of tobacco use † tobacco taxation. We will write a custom essay sample on Tobacco tax or any similar topic only for you Order Now Higher tobacco prices decrease consumption and encourage people to quit Increasing the price of tobacco products Is the single most effective way to reduce consumption-2 Ralslng prices discourages uptake of tobacco se by young people and motivates people to quit tobacco use, while raising government revenues. 3 Numerous studies in high income countries have shown that a 10% increase in cigarette price decreases consumption by about 4%. 4 Available data indicate that consumption in low and middle income countries is even more responsive to price. For example, the estimated decreases would be about 5. 5% in China, 5. 2% in Mexico and 5. 4% in South Africa. 5,6,7 For tobacco products other than manufactured cigarettes, studies are comparatively rare, although similar effects have been found. 8 Price (SA rand) Packs 100 25 Real Cigarette prices (2008 base) Packs sold per capita 15 10 5 20 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2009 Year Inflation-adjusted cigarette prices and cigarette consumption, South Africa, 1980-2009 Higher tobacco prices save lives Decreasing consumption would translate into lives saved. The World Bank has estimated that tax increases to raise the price of cigarettes by 10% would: 00 Cut the number of smokers in the world by 42 million † 38 million of them in low to middle income countries; 00 Save 10 million lives † 9 million of them in low to middle income countries. 9 PHOTO: WBB Trust WWW. NCDALLIANCE. ORG How many lives could tobacco tax increases save? Recent economic analyses for countries with large numbers of smokers found that: in China: in Russia: Increasing tax from 40% to 68% of the retail price would: Increasing tax from 37% to 70% Increasing tax from 33% to 70% OOGenerate IJS$16. billion a year in additional tax revenue OOGenerate IJS$6. 5 billion a year in OOGenerate IJS$4. 9 billion a year in OOHelp 54. 6 million smokers to quit OOHelp 10 million smokers to quit OOHelp 5. 4 million smokers to quit oosave 13. 7 million lives12 OOSave 3. 5 million lives OOSave 1. 3 million lives14 Tobacco and poverty Those living on lower incomes are more li kely to smoke, and policy makers are sometimes concerned that increasing tobacco tax will penalise people who are already living in reduced circumstances. But it is important to note that poorer smokers are also the most price sensitive † in other words, they are the most likely to quit or reduce their consumption of tobacco when taxes are increased. This has been confirmed in multiple studies. For example, when tobacco excise was increased in South Africa over several years in the mid to late 1990s, the largest reductions in smoking prevalence were seen among young people and low-income earners. When smokers quit, their families benefit in two ways: through improved health and through improved finances † money previously spent on tobacco products can be spent on food, education and other necessities. If policy makers are concerned about the economic impact of tobacco tax increases on low-income smokers who do not reduce their consumption, they can invest part of the added tobacco tax revenue in social spending. 13 In addition to savings to the public sector, business can also benefit from a healthier workforce, with lower absenteeism and fewer losses of skilled workers through early retirement due to illness or early death. A cost-benefit analysis in the I-JK showed that a 5% tobacco tax increase over the rate of inflation would increase government tax revenues by over IJS$814 million a year and result in wider economic benefits of over $440 million per year in the first five years of the policy. 18 Tobacco use is the one risk factor common to the main groups of NCDs. Accelerated implementation of the FCTC is an essential way to tackle NCDs and save lives. 1 World Health Organization (2009) WHO report on the global tobacco epidemic 2008. Geneva: World Health Organization. 2 World Health Organization (2004) Building blocks for tobacco control: a handbook. Geneva: World Health Organization. 3 Jha P Chaloupka F. (1999) Curbing the epidemic: governments and the economics of tobacco control. Washington, DC: World Bank. 4 World Health Organization (2010) WHO technical manual on tobacco tax administration. Geneva: World Health Organization. 5 Hu T-w, Mao Z, Shi J, Chen W (2008) Tobacco taxation and its potential impact in China. Paris: International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease. Tobacco tax increases benefit the economy Governments benefit directly from tobacco tax increases. Increased revenue can pay for tobacco control interventions, combating infectious isease or other priority national programmes. Countries with efficient tax systems have benefitted from substantial tax increases. How to cite Tobacco tax, Papers

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Develop and Use Emotional Intelligence in Nursing

Question: Discuss about theDevelop and Use Emotional Intelligence in Nursing. Answer: Introduction A person who accurately perceives their self and others emotions are wise leaders - Travis Bradberry (2009) Nursing is an art and science. Nursing means giving physical and emotional care to relieve the suffering of the people (Douglas, 2004). A nurse should be emotionally intelligent to meet her patients needs. Emotional intelligence is always learned but not acquired. Being intelligence is wise that too being emotionally intelligent is too wise to be a good nurse. Emotional intelligence is more than being intellect but also includes practical aspects in the working environment. The term emotional intelligence means the understanding and managing of ones self and others emotions. This essay deals about the methods to develop and use emotional intelligence for a nurse for the patient and organizational welfare. As a nurse manager, I will help her to develop self and social awareness as given in Faculty assistance programme, 2013. I will motivate her to be aware of her own emotions and its effect on her thoughts, behavior, values and goals of the hospital; she is working (Holland, 2012). I will help her to understand the needs and concerns of other people and how her emotional cues affects others thought and behavior towards her. I will explain her to avoid unnecessary facial expression, body movements and to have polite and assertive way of expressions. I will make her to identify her own cultural expressions of emotions and values unique to her culture and her colleagues culture too. I will help her to understand that culture shapes ones intelligence and gives unique identity and to be cautious about expressing her own culture and value others culture (Douglas, 2004). Basically nursing is not a culturally free but a culturally determined profession. I will make her to understand the method of communication, space and organization of other cultures. I will help her to be culturally competent nurse by cooperating with others regardless of racial, ethnic or cultural heritage. I will motivate her to develop effective interpersonal relationship and respect others culture so as to be an effective nurse. I will arrange regular meetings with all the staff members so that she can talk and mingle with others. In the beginning I will help her to understand the meaning of the words spoken by the tone and facial expression. This will motivate her to understand others language, pronunciation and culture to increase her adaptability to the new circumstances. These regular meetings and staff welfare programs will help her to express her feelings and thoughts about her work. I will help her to find solutions for her problems. I will delegate work based on her competency so as to offer flexibility in work places. I will motivate her to perform self assessment and social assessment to identify the effect of her behavior and emotions on others and to understand the effect of behavior on interpersonal relationship. I will help her to manage or regulate herself. I will help her to assess her own strength and weaknesses and to overcome her difficulties. I will redirect her disruptive emotions and to make her to adapt to new circumstances (Holland, 2012). Based on the above mentioned policies the nurse manager should develop and use emotional intelligent management practices. The code of conduct should be instructed to the nurse to help them to be culturally competent and appropriate. They should be explained about the purposes and guidelines of code of conduct and about the importance of maintaining interpersonal relationship and espirit de corps. The nurse should give clear instructions, expectations, rules and policies and explain the employees as what to do and how to do and when to do. The conflict most commonly arises in a working area due to difference in thoughts, opinions and skill of care giving. The nurse should be empowered with conflict resolution skills as confronting, bargaining, smoothing, avoiding the conflict, forcing for solution and if needed unilateral action. A nurse manager should be empowered to work in the hospital environment (Douglas, 2004). The family friendly initiatives such as educational assistance for the children, paid parental leave, helping them to bring their young child at lunch or coffee breaks should be offered (Straz, 2015). This flexibility in work will improve the outcomes of the nurses. The opportunities should be given to the nurses in meetings to express their feedback and suggestions in the organizational decisions (Douglas, 2004). They should be involved in planning the organizational activities and delegating appropriate work. The nurses should be encouraged to self reflect among team members. She should be encouraged to analyze her strengths, weakness, capabilities and finding solutions and develop self confidence. The nurse manager should provide criteria and help the nurses to score their physical, social, emotional and mental health. The nurse manager should provide safe environment for the nurses with dignity and respect. The nurses should be protected from harassments as unlawful and sexual harassment, bullying (repeated unwanted behaviour), vilification and victimisation (treating unfairly). In case of unwanted behaviours, a nurse manager should motivate the nurse to take any of the following options. Assist the nurse in self managing the issues by making direct complaint to the authorities. It should be practiced if there is no serious issue. Informal resolution may be needed at times, which involves the complainants manager discusses the issue with the respondent and takes the appropriate course of action. When these two options fails, formal resolution should be taken, in which a formal complaint should be given in writing to a nurse manager or human resources department. The next level is seeking for an external resolution, which involves registering complaint in any of the human rights commission as the V ictorian equal opportunity and Human Rights Commission, or Federal Human Rights Commission, etc. The nurse manager should maintain neutrality in making decisions and avoid personal and professional bias. In contrast, if there is any false complaint made on the person, severe disciplinary action might be taken on the person and may terminate the employee from the job. The information related with the complaint should be kept confidentially. The issues should be documented in clear words. The nurse managers should educate her subordinates about the methods to handle various harassments. An effective nurse manager should assess the strengths of the nurses and assign right task for a right person by right direction in right circumstances. She should encourage the staff nurses by giving away the awards based on their performances to achieve the organizational outcomes. Thus emotional intelligence makes a nurse leader to be more perfect and adaptable with positive motivation to be a Smart Nurse. References Bradberry, T., 2009, Emotional Intelligence 2.0., Retrieved from www.talentsmart.com Douglas, C., 2004, Potter and Perrys Fundamentals of Nursing, Elsevier, Missouri. Faculty assistance programme, 2013, Emotional intelligence in workplace, Retrieved from woodassociates.net/FAP/Newsletters/Search/PDF/FAP% 20August%202013%207_23_13.pdf Holland, 2012, Developing Emotional Intelligence for Good to Great Nurses, Retrieved from https://www.nursetogether.com/developing-emotional-intelligence-good-great-nurses Straz, M., 2015, Your employees will love you for offering these 3 family benefits, Retrieved from https:www.entrepreneur.comarticle.

Friday, November 29, 2019

Global Business Cultural Analysis China free essay sample

China Terry Lushbaugh BUSI 604 International Business Liberty University Abstract The following examines the nation of China and its trade relations with the world, particularly the United States. The focus is primarily on China’s culture and how it impacts business dealings with other countries. Areas examined include: Religion, Management Philosophy, and Business Etiquette. Also discussed is China’s growing status as a world super power and how that has impacted the global business landscape. Likewise, various trading partners are examined and the effects of doing business with China, specifically for the United States. Points of concern for the United States are things such as the outsourcing of jobs and domestic unemployment. China has become the 2nd largest trading partner for the United States. The majority of that trade is in Imports of Chinese goods to the US. With all of the tension between the two nations, past and present, it is a relationship that is extremely volatile in nature. We will write a custom essay sample on Global Business Cultural Analysis: China or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Global Business Cultural Analysis: China A nation’s culture has a profound impact on how that nation does business globally. An intricate segment of any nation’s culture is its religious beliefs. Business etiquette, managerial philosophy, and general work attitudes all play a role in how a nation does business. When all of those elements in the nation of China collide with other nations in the global business landscape, what is the outcome? Four key questions will be addressed regarding China and how these elements play a role in business endeavors: what are the major elements and dimensions of culture in this region? How are these elements and dimensions integrated by locals conducting business in the nation? How do both of the above items (elements and dimensions of culture) compare with U. S. culture in business? And, what are the implications for U. S. businesses that what to do business in that region? Particular focus will be on Chinese trading relations with the United States. This relationship that began in 1979 has built up to the present where China has become the United States second largest trading partner. The vast majority of that trade takes place in the form of imports of Chinese goods to the United States. Some believe that this has been a detriment to the U. S. economy. Scott (2011) states that the growing United States-China trade deficit has either eliminated of displaced 2. 8 million jobs between the years 2001-2010. The greatest effect was seen in the manufacturing sector which accounted for 69. 2% of the total jobs lost for the period. This is seen by the U. S. government as a huge concern, especially if the trend continues. China and the United States have a history of volatility that continues to the present day. The growing involvement of China in the U. S. economy as the largest holder of publicly held debt makes for an even more interesting study. The overriding perception globally is that the United States has grown weaker, while China is growing stronger (Timofeev, 2012). That pendulum of super power status seems to be swinging. Like it or not, the United States has to come to terms with its diminishing global status in comparison to China. What are the Major Elements and Dimensions of Culture in This Region? Background The U. S. Department of State, Background Note: China (2011) offers some background information for China to begin our discussion. Geographically speaking, China’s land mass covers approximately 3. 7 million miles with the capital city being Beijing. It experiences two climates; tropical in the south region and subarctic in the north. China’s population as of July 2011 is estimated to be 1,336,718,015. Life expectancy is 72. 68 years for men and 76. 94 years for women. The government of China is a Communist party-led state. China does have a constitution which was enacted December 4, 1982. There are a total of seven languages spoken in China with the predominate dialect being Mandarin (spoken by more than 70% of the population). At the core of any nation’s culture are its religious beliefs. In China there are the â€Å"Three Jewels† Confucianism, Daoism, and Buddhism, as described in Lopez (1996). There are small numbers of people practicing other religions such as Christianity and Islam, but these are the three dominant beliefs of the region. While they are separate in content, they have coexisted for several thousand years. Lopez (1996) goes on to say, â€Å"Historical precedent and popular parlance attest to the importance of this threefold division for understanding Chinese culture†¦Buddhism is the sun, Daoism the moon, and Confucianism the five planets†¦suggesting that although they remain separate, they also coexist as equally indispensable phenomena of the natural world. † Each belief system stands alone, and at the same time needs the other(s). Confucianism The religion of Confucianism begins, of course, with Confucius whose Chinese name was Kong Qui and who lived from 551 B. C. to 479 B. C. Surprisingly Confucius was merely a low level government worker. He did not exactly view himself as the founder of a school of thought. Regardless, Confucianism is the most influential belief system in Chinese culture. It provides the rules which govern the social behavior of the individual. The basic teachings of Confucius are grounded in the Five Constant Virtues: humanity, righteousness, propriety, wisdom, and faithfulness. Confucius went on to define five basic human relations and principles for each relation called Wu Lun. Sovereign and subject (master and follower): Loyalty and duty. Father and son: Love and obedience. Husband and wife: Obligation and submission. Elder and younger brothers: Seniority and modeling. Friend and friend: Trust (Fan, 2000). Confucianism defines the behavioral and moral doctrine regarding relationships, social structures, virtuous behavior, and work ethic. Daoism Those who practice Daoism live in reverence of the Dao, which is translated as the Way. The point of a Daoist way of life is to strive for harmony with the Dao, who is the essence of everything that exists. Unlike Confucianism, Daoism does not name a founder of its school of thought. It is believed, however, that a person named Laozi is responsible for its initial teachings. He wrote one of the most prominent early texts associated with Daoism, â€Å"The Classic on the Way and Its Power. † The Daoist attitude toward life can be seen as carefree and accepting, which is a stark contrast to the moral and duty conscious teachings of Confucianism. Daoism also has a positive view as well as being active in metaphysical activities and the occult, which is also in contrast to Confucianism. While Confucianism touts its principles for the proper way that individuals should interact, the tradition of Daoism is that all beings and things in the universe are fundamentally the same and the natural order of things cannot be manipulated or predicted. It needs only to be embraced (Fan, 2000). Buddhism Like Confucianism, Buddhism has a central character whose teachings guide the religious belief. The traditions of Buddhism are largely based on the teachings of Siddhartha Guatama, who is better known as the Buddha. In Sanskrit, Buddha is translated to â€Å"the enlightened one. † Buddhasenlightened onesare unusual because they differ from other, unenlightened individuals and because of the truths to which they have awakened. Most people live in profound ignorance, which causes immense suffering. Buddhas, by contrast, see the true nature of reality (Lopez, 1996). The Buddhas have the ability through their â€Å"enlightenment† to do what the rest of us cannot, solve the mysteries of the human existence. Other Religions While statistics show that there are a large number of Christians practicing in China (nearly 23 million), it’s not clear how many houses of worship there are because so many Christians practice in unregistered religious gatherings or â€Å"house† churches, primarily due to the fear of persecution or the possibly imprisonment. Being a practicing Christian in China can be a dangerous prospect. The next highest religious population is the Muslims at 21 million. Of Chinas 55 officially recognized minorities, 10 groups are predominately Muslim. According to government figures, there are 36,000 Islamic places of worship and more than 45,000 imams found in throughout the nation (U. S. Department of State, 2011). Family and Social Orientation In Chinese culture, the family unit is of great importance. Re-examining the human relations and principles under Confucianism, it is clear how much of an emphasis is put on family. Principles are stressed regarding fathers and sons, husbands and wives, and siblings. Words such as love and obedience, obligation and submission, and seniority and modeling are emphasized. Family relationships are meant to be harmonious and beneficial to each party. Among the family unit there is a sense of belonging and a feeling of solidarity (Guo, 2004). Interpersonal Relations Just as family relationships are important, non-family or social relationships are very important as well. Confucius also talks about trust between friends. Trust is a vital part of any Chinese relationship (the same can be said of any relationship from any country). Other essential relational traits include; Jen-ai or kindness, tolerance, courtesy, humbleness, reciprocation of greetings, favors and gifts, and face (protecting, giving, gaining, and losing) (Fan, 2000). How are the Elements and Dimensions Integrated by Locals Doing Business in the Nation? Business and Work Attitudes Chinese attitudes toward conducting business are very strict and proper. For instance, there is no â€Å"Casual Friday† to be found on the calendar. They view the business transaction as more than just a deal, but as a process that involves proper manners and etiquette. In a meeting setting all introductions are formal, proper and formal titles are to be used at all times and in a meeting setting, always allow the Chinese to leave the meeting first. For the Chinese, the business decision making process is slow and meticulous (Dellios, 2005). There are no quick off the cuff decisions made. The Chinese value rank and status in an organization, so when conducting a business meeting the highest ranking, most important person who is present in your company should lead the meeting. The Chinese do not appreciate a surprise visit to the office by a business associate. Appointments are a must. To not do so would be considered rude. Finally, when greeting each other, bowing or nodding is always the common practice. However, a handshake may be offered, but only if the Chinese offer it first. Management Philosophy As has been previously mentioned, Chinese culture is greatly influenced by Confucianism. Love, integrity, loyalty, and conscientiousness toward others are characteristics that are present not only in everyday life at home, but in the business world as well. Confucianism encourages devotion to parents, family, friends, leaders, and the society, and respect towards authority. Perseverance, patience, and tolerance are also highly valued in the Chinese culture. Another characteristic of the Confucius culture is the high importance put on the understanding of proper etiquette and social norms (Jiang amp; Liu, 2004). In a Chinese corporation, the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) is the ultimate leader as well as decision maker. Given the Chinese belief in loyalty in respect of superiors, this role becomes even more amplified. Chinese Business Etiquette In a 2012 Interview of a Chinese businessman by the International Business Center, the following question was asked: What is the single most common business etiquette mistake that Americans make in your home country? Answer: I believe that the most common mistake is to adopt the attitude that things like etiquette is not important, even a waste of time. Only discussions and negotiations of the technical and financial matters are of value. This view, in my opinion, reflects the assumption that every transaction stands on its own, without considering subsequent trade. Many societies (including many Americans) do not view business this way. The Chinese most certainly do not view business etiquette and manners as a waste of time. They parallel in importance with the actual business dealing at hand. Here is a sampling of some of the specific behaviors and manners expected to be demonstrated when dealing with the Chinese as offered by the International Business Center (Williams, 2012). Appearance * Conservative suits for men with subtle colors are the norm. * Women should avoid high heels and short sleeved blouses. The Chinese frown on women who display too much. * Subtle, neutral colors should be worn by both men and women. * Casual dress should be conservative as well. * Men and women can wear jeans. However, jeans are not acceptable for business meetings. Revealing clothing for women is considered offensive to Chinese businessmen. Manners * Do not use large hand movements. The Chinese do not speak with their hands. Your movements may be distracting to your host. * Personal contact must be avoided at all cost. It is highly inappropriate for a man to touch a woman in public. * Do not point when speaking. * To point do not use your index finger, use an open palm. * It is considered improper to put your hand in your mouth. * Avoid acts that involve the mouth. * It is more acceptable to give gifts either in private or to a group as a whole to avoid embarrassment. Quality writing pens are considered favored gifts. Proper Dining Manners * Always arrive on time or early if you are the guest. * Do not discuss business at meals. * Do not start to eat or drink prior to the host. * As a cultural courtesy, you should taste all the dishes you are offered. * Sample meals only, there may be several courses. * Do not drop the chopsticks it is considered bad luck. * Do not eat all of your meal. If you eat all of your meal, the Chinese will assume you did not receive enough food and are still hungry. * Women do not usually drink at meals. Tipping is considered insulting, however the practice is becoming more common. As you can see, there is no shortage of etiquette and manners in Chinese business settings. It would be incumbent upon anyone who plans on doing business in China to take the time to become familiar with Chinese culture and customs and by all means, take it very seriously (Williams, 2012). How do Both of the Above Items Compare with U. S. Culture and Business? China as a Superpower One of the most important aspects of China’s presence on the global business landscape is the rise of China as one of the worlds Superpowers. As the new century unfolds, in all probability so will Chinas prospects unfold as a global power, not just a regional one. Consider once again Chinas contemporary dimensions an enormous country with the worlds largest population and military establishment. Its economy is among the worlds fastest growing. It is expected to become the largest by the year 2025. Historically too, it is imbued with greatness†¦inheriting 5,000 years of civilization (Dellios, 2004). Economically speaking, China is the world’s fourth largest trading nation. That status has progressed from thirty-second in 1978 and tenth in 1997. Its economy has grown at an average of 9. 5% annually since 1985. Its Gross Domestic Product ranks second only to the U. S. at 13% of the world’s output. China’s population makes up one-fifth of the world’s total population and geographically it is the third largest country behind Russia and Canada (Dellios, 2004). The influence of China over the world’s economy has continued to grow in recent years. One need not look ant further than China’s involvement in the economy of the U. S. to see that demonstrated. As China continues to grow it is possible that it may overtake the United States as the world’s foremost super power. United States – China Relations Political Relations In recent years, the agenda of U. S. China relations has changed dramatically. Current U. S. -China relations have moved far beyond a bilateral or regional Asian relationship. The current presidential cycle in the U. S. essentially differs from the periods of Bill Clinton and George W. Bush. Indeed, in his statements during the election campaign Clinton concentrated on violations of human rights in China, and accused his predecessor of foreign policy anemia following the Tiananmen Square massacre. It also differs from the George W. Bush’s considering of China as â€Å"not a strategic partner, but a strategic competitor. † Under the current circumstances of the global financial and economic crisis, the agenda of bilateral dialogue between Washington and Beijing focuses mainly on economic problems (Timofeev, 2012). Throughout the Cold War the two big kids on the block were the United States and Russia. In recent years Russia has been replaced in its position by China. Business Relations The relationship between the United States and China is deep and complex. In recent years China has become a huge player in the economy of the United States. The Department of the Treasury reports that China owns about 8% of U. S. publicly held dept equal to $1. 7 trillion. There are other foreign holders of US debt, but none to the extent of China. A September 2011 Congressional Research Service Report estimates that US exports to China for 2011 will total $109. 2 billion and imports will be $410. 64 billion. The net result is a trade deficit of $301. 4 billion. The same report outlines the historical figures of trade between the US and China dating back to 1980 when exports to China stood at $3. 8 billion and imports were $1.1 billion. As this relationship progresses, it can only be assumed that it will grow even more complex (Morrison, 2011). In a speech given at a luncheon hosted by the American Bankers Association on December 8, 2003, Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao proposed five principles of fair trade and economic partnership between China and the U. S. : â€Å"First, mutual benefits and win-win results. Thinking broadly, one should t ake account of others interests while pursuing its own. Second, development first. Existing differences should be resolved through expanded trade and economic cooperation. Third, greater scope to coordinating mechanisms in bilateral trade and economic relations. Disputes should be addressed in a timely manner through communication and consultation to avoid possible escalation. Fourth, equal consultation. The two sides should seek consensus while reserving differences on major issues, instead of imposing restrictions or sanctions at every turn. Fifth, do not politicize economic and trade issues. † (Timofeev, 2012). Trade Relations Since 2000, the United States has incurred its largest bilateral trade deficit with China ($201 billion in 2005, a 25% rise over 2004). In 2003, China replaced Mexico as the second largest source of imports for the United States. China’s share of U. S. imports was 14. 6% in 2005, although this proportion still falls short of Japan’s 18% of the early 1990s. The United States is China’s largest overseas market and second largest source of foreign direct investment on a cumulative basis. U. S. exports to China have been growing rapidly as well, although from a low base. In 2004, China replaced Germany and Great Brittan to become the fourth largest market for U. S. goods and remains the fastest growing major U. S. export market (Lum amp; Nanto, 2007). Some items that the U. S. imports from China include: computer equipment and parts, toys and games, communications equipment, apparel, and audio and video equipment. In contrast, the U. S. imports to China include: oilseeds and grains, waste and scrap, semiconductors, aerospace products (aircraft), and resin and synthetic rubber. The most dramatic increases in U. S. imports from China have not been in labor intensive sectors rather in technology sectors. U. S. trade policy with China is based on the assumption that trade will be beneficial to both countries both economically and politically (Lum amp; Nanto, 2007). The developing Chinese economy gives the U. S. an opportunity to be a part of a large and expanding market. What are the Implications for U. S. Businesses That Wish to Conduct Business in That Region? Chinese Global Trading Partners China runs a trade surplus with the world’s three major economic centers: the United States, the European Union, and Japan. We have previously documented the trade figures between the U. S. and China. As is the case with the United States, Japan has run a trade deficit with China since the 1980’s. Japan’s trade with China dropped from a surplus of $6 billion in 1985 to a deficit of nearly $6 billion in 1990. Japan’s trade deficit with China reached a peak of $26. 5 billion in 2001 and was surpassed in 2005 ($28. 5 billion). Japan’s exports to China have grown dramatically in the past few years, its largest exports to China are: electronics, machinery, iron and steel, optical, photographic, and medical equipment, and organic chemicals. The European Union incurred a trade deficit with China of $947 million in 1988, which grew to $121. 8 billion in 2005. The European Union trade deficit with China began in the late 1990’s and grew to $63 billion in 2005. Compared to the world’s two other major economic centers, the U. S. trade deficit with China at over $300 billion is the largest, followed by the European Union deficit with China at $121. 8 billion and Japan at $28. 5 billion (U. S. Department of State, 2011). United States – China Trade Issues The Growing U. S. trade deficit with China cost 2. 8 million jobs between 2001 and 2010 by Robert Scott, EPI’s Director of Trade and Manufacturing Policy Research, finds that all 50 states, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico suffered jobs lost or displaced as a result of the growing U.S. -China trade deficit†¦it eliminated or displaced 2,790,100 jobs, or about 2% of total U. S. employment over that period. (Scott, 2011). The U. S. trade deficit with China grew from $84 billion in 2001 to in excess of $300 billion in 2011. As a rule, increases in U. S. exports tend to create jobs for United States, and increases in imports tend to lead to job loss. Thus, the growing trade deficit signifies growing job loss. China’s economic reforms and rapid economic growth, along with the effects of globalization, have caused the economies of the U. S.  and China to become increasingly integrated. Although growing economic ties are considered by most analysts to be mutually beneficial overall, tensions have risen over a number of Chinese economic and trade policies that many U. S. critics charge are protectionist, economically distortive, and damaging to U. S. economic interests. These include China’s resistance to adopting a market-based currency; its mixed record on implementing its obligations in the World Trade Organization (Morrison, 2011). Another great concern is Chinese manipulation of its cur rency (Yuan). Many U. S. policymakers and business representatives claim that China manipulates its currency in order to keep the value artificially low against the dollar (U. S. Department of State, 2011). They claim that this action results in a subsidy for Chinese exports to the United States, and results in a tariff on Chinese imported U. S. goods. They complain that this policy has particularly hurt several U. S. manufacturing sectors that are forced to compete against low-cost Chinese products, and has led to the loss of hundreds of thousands of U. S. jobs.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Essay on Chinese historyEssay Writing Service

Essay on Chinese historyEssay Writing Service Essay on Chinese history Essay on Chinese historyThe role of archaeology in changing and enriching our knowledge of Chinese history is hard to overestimate. On the one hand, archaeologists and historians receive unlimited resources for their scientific research. On the other hand, common people also get access to the enigmatic world of the bygone times.For example, the earliest Chinese vessels made of bronze tell much about the people who lived in the Yellow River valley about two thousand years before Christ. The complexity and elegance peculiar to the first simple wine cup testifies that the level of Chinese development in the second millennium B.C. was unsurpassed and seldom achieved by other cultures. The state of culture studied by other important archaeological findings proves that the first Chinese civilization culminated due to a strong centralized government. It has been also found out that the society was discretely stratified; architecture was elaborate with palaces prevailing; the system of writi ng was distinctive; religious rituals were numerous, and art forms were sophisticated. What is more, bronze was actively used even when the Iron Age began, and the majestic vessels made of bronze show how high technical accomplishments of the Chinese were. The vessels of exclusive beauty and complexity were applied during religious rituals and indicate wealth and honor of the Chinese rulers.Further on, the effect of life-sized terracotta figures buried with the Qin ruler is even more petrifying and challenging our knowledge of Chinese history and art. In the second century B.C. the lands of China were united together under the leadership of the First Emperor of Qin (Wilkinson 183). The latter constructed his own mausoleum employing about 700,000 laborers, and an army of about 7,000 clay warriors were buried with the Emperor. In this way, archaeology brings to life those who lived thousands of years ago and makes them talk with us in a whisper.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Kate Chopin --The story of an hour Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Kate Chopin --The story of an hour - Essay Example As the text suggests, Mrs. Mallard looked at Mr. Mallard as â€Å"a powerful will bending hers in that blind persistence with which men and women believe they have a right to impose a private will upon a fellow-creature† (par. 13). While the news of her husband’s passing caused her grief, she soon realizes that the death of her husband also offers her a newfound freedom (par. 11, 14, 15), something she has been longing to have so badly that the shock she received when she found out that her newfound freedom was actually not hers to claim because her husband escaped the accident caused her untimely death. The story is filled with symbolisms of a new life that was supposedly waiting for Mrs. Mallard to relish. She was looking out of an open window where she could see blue patches of sky highlighted that the wonders of spring were making everything look beautiful and promising. Even the first name of Mrs. Mallard, Louise, provides an insight into how repressed she was. Her name was not mentioned until the late part of the story, signifying the loss of Mrs. Mallard’s identity which was only â€Å"found† when she thought that she has already broken away from her husband’s clutches. Furthermore, Louise is simply a feminization of the name Louis, which symbolizes just how much women of her time were strongly dependent on the male members of society. It was wise of Chopin to use the omniscient point of view because none of the characters in the story could have known the exact thoughts going through everyone’s minds. The narrator could also not be Mrs. Mallard as she dies in the end of the story. In addition, the story carried with it an ironic tone as shown by passages which tells of Mrs. Mallard crying for the death of her husband when, in fact, she only loved him sometimes, and oftentimes did not (par. 14). Of course, the most ironic part of the story is when the doctors conclude that

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Human Resource Management in China. Performance Appraisal Dissertation

Human Resource Management in China. Performance Appraisal - Dissertation Example Edvinsson’s explication of intellectual capital in his book signifies the importance of human resource management to an elevated extent. Human resource is one of the most fundamental and important function for the development of an organization. The workforce of an enterprise plays the most crucial role for the firm to thrive in the market in a successful and appropriate manner. The goals and objectives of an organization are intrinsically dependent upon the efficiency of its employed individuals. This task comes under the shadow of the human resource management which is required to operate in the most appropriate manner for the corporation in any industry (Price, 2011). The most successful business corporations in the west tend to put immense attention upon the operating workforce to remain the best in business. The dependency of an organization in order to attain the aims is the most upon human resource management because the efficiency or deficiency of the employees directl y affects the finance of organization. Human resource management as being an essential and vital element of any business corporation fundamentally deals with the employment of individuals that is recruitment and selection of candidates to be added into the workforce in the most suitable manner (Sims, 2006). In addition to enlarging or replacing the work team, it also deals with the training and development of recruited employees by which the organizational development is directly associated. With all of the other responsibilities of human resource management, there is critically a significant task which human resource management is responsible for. This task is related to the performance of employed individuals in concordance with the aims, objectives and regulations of the organization. The reason for this task being critical for any organization and its human resource management is the fact that the performance of employees directly affects the performance of the organization in t he market (Price, 2011). Human resource management is one of the most authoritative departments in the organizational management because it deals with the hiring and firing of employees on the basis of their performance in the work force (Sims, 2006). The most visible and clear way to deal with a low performing employee is to fire that individual from the workforce and recruit the better individual in the team on the basis of his skills and capabilities. The performance of employee is directly associated to the revenue that is generated by any organization. If the human resource of a company works efficiently and appropriately then the revenues of certain company is necessarily going to be increased and vice versa. In industry from aviation to food industry, the human resource management plays a vital role regarding the graph of performance of the work force on individual as well as on the group level. The firing and hiring of employees is strictly dependent upon the performance of individuals which is assured by the human resource department to any firm (Price, 2011). Employees’ Performance and Corporations Corporations are formed with certain business objectives underlying every official activity of that corporation. The most important and certain objective which each business firm decides is the maximum generation of revenue and making the maximum profit out of its capital and resources. From production to service providence and from apparel to food chains, every business organizational dealings are fundamentally dependent upon these two objectives. In all of the resources of a company in any industry, the hum

Monday, November 18, 2019

Personal and Professional Practice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Personal and Professional Practice - Essay Example People plagiarize because it looks like the easiest and quick thing to do when writing a project or even assignments. Author Ian Fleming wrote a novel with two of his colleagues, but he never mentioned them as co writers, he got sued by his colleagues and fined for plagiarism (Wainwright 2008, p.18). This amounted to plagiarism as he did not involve his counterparts in the final edition of the book yet they participated in its writing. Copying someone else’s work without their permission is plagiarism. A number of famous authors have become dodged with a number of controversies dealing with their books. Authors like Dan Brown and Lynda l Plante are just but examples of leading authors, who have battled court cases related to plagiarism (Arnold 2008). In order to avoid plagiarism in any of the work, one should be able to reference correctly all the ideas, materials, and theories that have been applied (Braniac 2012, p.6). Any individual reading your work should have the ability of telling exactly where the information is from. Read your work over and over again to  ensure that there is no plagiarism before handing in your assignment (Cottrell 2008, p. 41). . One should be able to reference directly, for example and also indirectly (Arnold 2008). One should be able to posses the knowledge of putting his or her own ideas in their assessment. In order to avoid plagiarism, one should use quotation marks, indirect referencing or at the same time, placing different ideas into your own personal words and including a reference at the end of each sentence (Cottrell 2008, p. 54). Referencing your work effectively and properly will prevent plagiarism from happening (Braniac 2012, p.6). Another way of avoiding plagiarism is by educating the students of the issue. Teachers should not assume that the students know what plagiarism is, even if they pretend to know what it is. The students should be provided with an explicit definition of plagiarism (Arnold 2008). Even when revising or paraphrasing another person’s words, or even just using their ideas, the author must still be given credit in a note (Wolff 2012, p.3). Ignoring crediting the appropriate authors, amount to lying. Students should include an annotated bibliography in their works. This should include a brief summary of the source, its location and also an evaluation about the importance of the source (Braniac 2012, p.6). Writers should be aware of the sources of the papers. Plagiarism detector should be used to check the levels of plagiarism (Wolff 2012, p.1). These detectors will enable the students prevent issues of plagiarism in their work or reports (Cottrell 2008, p. 28). Plagiarism is an offence; anyone doing it will be heavily punished. Bibliography Arnold, B, 2008, Caslon Analytics plagiarism incidents, Retrieved August 13, 2012, from http://www.caslon.com.au/plagiarismcasesnote.htm Braniac, A, 2012, How to Prevent Plagiarism, eHow, 6. Cottrell, S, 2008, The Study Skill s Handbook, New York: Palgrave Macmillan. Wainwright, M, 2008, Persaud suspended from practice for three months over plagiarism, The Guardian, 18. Wolff, J, 2012, Does plagiarism matter? Answer in your own words, The Guardian, 2-4. Personal and Professional Practice Name: Institution: Why is plagiarism viewed to be such a grave offence? Plagiarism is duplicating someone’s work claiming to be yours. People who commit plagiarism steal other

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Technology Means The Study Of Something Sociology Essay

Technology Means The Study Of Something Sociology Essay The word technology is the Greek word and its means the study of something, or the branch of knowledge of a discipline. Technology is the knowledge about tools, systems and many more. Technology changes the life style of the world and we are now considered as technical world. Technology is now in big demand and its reaches on the peak height but still people wants new and new technology. The great saints said everything has its two sides similarly technology has merits and demerits. Technology provides the people now life to think wide and able to prove that things.Technology decreases the death rate and able to do that surgeries which earlier not possible. Now we heard that now the 3d televisions are about to come. We is going on it does not matter whether we are sleeping or not. Technology makes the life fast and the work which we do the work with much time earlier and its is done in minutes. An ever transport makes the whole world close to each and take less time to travel. Education, social life, every electric things show the advancement in the technology. Now Talked about the demerits of technology, it makes the life machine porn and makes us more lazy. We are going away from the nature and the respect towards the nature is declining.We are now only thinking for ourselves, the love towards humanity is vanished earlier we have that.So in the conclusion we can say that technology makes our life easy and technical but it forms a path which ends on destruction. Everything that provides us lots of things like comfort, easy and many other it must be in limit. Limited things always create wonders. Jaspreet Singh Technology, general term for the processes by which human beings fashion tools and machines to increase their control and understanding of the material environment. Many historians of science argue not only that technology is an essential condition of advanced, industrial civilization but also that the rate of technological change has developed its own momentum in recent centuries. Innovations now seem to appear at a rate that increases geometrically, without respect to geographical limits or political systems. The Roman Empire that engulfed and succeeded that of the Greeks was somewhat similar in this respect. The Romans, however, were great technologists in the sense of organizing and building; they established an urban civilization that enjoyed the first long peaceful period in human history. The great change in engineering that occurred in the Roman period came as a shift from building tombs, temples, and fortifications to the construction of enormous systems of public works. Using water-resistant cement and the principle of the arch. Roman engineers were also responsible for introducing the water mill and for the subsequent design of undershot and overshot water wheels, which were used to grind grain, saw wood, and cut marble. In the military sphere, the Romans advanced technology by improving weapons. As agricultural productivity increased and medical science developed, Western society came to have a strong belief in the desirability of technological change despite its less pleasant aspects. Pride and a large measure of awe resulted from such engineering achievements as the laying of the first Atlantic telegraph cable, the building of the Suez and Panama canals, and the construction of the Eiffel Tower, the Brooklyn Bridge. The telegraph and railroads connected most of the major cities with one another. In the late 19th century, the American inventor Thomas Edisons light bulb began to replace candles and lamps, and within 30 years every industrial nation was generating electric power for lighting and other systems. World War I and the Great Depression forced a sobering reassessment of this rapid technological explosion. The development of submarines, machine guns, battleships, and chemical warfare made increasingly clear the destructive side of technological change. In addition, worldwide mass unemployment and the disasters met by capitalistic institutions. Then, with World War II, came the development of the weapon that has since become a general threat to life on earth: the atomic bomb. Another technological outgrowth of World War II-the development of computers and transistors and the accompanying trend toward miniaturization. Innovations in transportation during the middle Ages revolutionized the spread of technologies and ideas across wide areas. These innovations tend to transform traditional cultural systems, frequently with unexpected social consequences. Thus technology can be conceived as both a creative and a destructive process. Md. Atiqur Rahman Nowadays, our lives are completely directed and influenced by technology which has changed people ´s lifestyles. We can see it everyday in the streets where it ´s almost impossible to find someone without using technology. The truth is that we need technology for everything because we are used to living with the advantages that technology offers and for example, it ´s not easy to spend a day without television, computer, vehicle etc. With new discoveries of Technology, difficult tasks are made simple and easy to perform. Technology is a huge contributor to the well being of human kind. Just try to imagine how hard it would be to make it through the day without the simplest of technologies. We have gotten so used to the luxuries that technology provides that many wouldnt know how to adapt to the traditional and simpler methods. Technology has surely proven itself to be very beneficial. Technology took a huge part in changing society from the simple household to warfare. Lets imagine, if one day the power goes off the whole city will be stopped because they are totally paralyzed without using machines and computers which are parts of technology. For our daily life we are so used to technology that if there is no heating system or air conditioning systems either we are going to freeze to death or die in hot. Also now we are so depended on technology that without technology students will stay illiterate for ever because without computers, fax machines or printing machines our school and colleges are like human without any body parts. Technology has definitely changed the lifestyle and common purpose of many humans. Technology has a lots of goods sides but also its have lots of bad side. So I found technology basically harmful and also its make people life lazier. Technology can change our sense of common purpose. For millions of years, mankind has been using to do everything for themselves. For a long time peoples main concern were survival. To survive means to go out into the woods or forests and shoot animals for the food which the family needed to eat for the day. People of modern society never think about hunting for food or clothes. The new standard for survival means making money to go to a mall or supermarket and getting everything a family needs. A family can get food and clothing at these places without ever going into a forest or a lake. This thought is even so frighteningThe technology- resistance movement begins by pointing out that we are cobbling together virtual communities while our real cities crumble, at least partly because our sense of common purpose has frayed. Today, only about 5 percent of American households are on-line, but what happens, the critics wonder, when half the country is wired? Will we escape the unpleasant complications of the world outside our locked doors by opting for communities in cyberspace, where we can enjoy the company of people who share our interests and our views? Where the streets never need to be cleaned and you d ont have to keep an eye on your neighbours house? What happens if the sirens outside become too distracting? Will we simply buy insulated drapes? Humans are getting lazy. Almost everything must be done for them in advance. However, sometimes this change in lifestyle is forced upon humans.At last,I think that this big progress has made our life better and more carious and comfortable but the world isnt better. In the environment there is a lot of pollutions, the crime rate is gone high and the only one thing what people care about is money! People are not eager to do their work by using their energy therefore now a days people are suffering of many diseases. One of the main issue that i consider is a cause of technology is teenagers are getting spoiled because of computers. So as we can see technology is harmful to our health, teenagers, environment and in a word its harmful to this generation. So beside of seeing only the positive sides of technology we should also think of the negative sides and try to think of a better life without using technology. DETERMINISM VS HUMANISM Efficiency and Humanism Together, define the terms, efficiency and humanism, in your own words, and explain how they oppose each other in a paragraph. Efficiency, ratio of the amount of power produced by a machine to the amount of power put into it. But, in philosophy, is skillfulness in avoiding wasted time and effort. Humanism, in philosophy, attitude that emphasizes the dignity and worth of the individual. A basic premise of humanism is that people are rational beings who possess within themselves the capacity for truth and goodness. The term humanism is most often used to describe a literary and cultural movement that spread through western Europe in the 14th and 15th centuries. Technique Technique is the skill or command used to accomplish a specific activity or task. In simple words we can say that special ability to do the task in many ways or in efficient way. Technique is the unstoppable force because technology giving the path to the technique and technology is directly proportional to technique. If the technique increased the technology automatically inflates .We can see the inflation of technique from the early ages they used the technique to solve the different purposes and different works. Till now we see the increase in the technique and with high percentage. In today modern world if someone improving his skill and ability they taking the support of technology because without technology they cannot be finalized there technique. So in last we can say that to make life easier and to do the work new and new inventions takes place. Pre-industrial Society Pre-industrial was a period of gradual change in the way people lived and worked as well as a time when continuity of traditional values and beliefs persisted. Many new technologies were been developed and put into practice due to new demands. This began to revolutionize traditional forms of industry, transport and government. Different classes in society were given a fresh incentive to find new ways of practice which resulted in the birth of capitalism demanding innovation. However much of this change was simply an unconstrained continuance much like a chain reaction, one thing leading to another, therefore not completely replacing established society. The reorganization of pre-industrial Britain was brought about by the combination of many different social, economical, climatic and technological facets. these were the fast evolution of industry and machinery, the advancement of transport, population growth and also importantly the fortunes of agriculture, which in essence acted as a catalyst to the changed. Industrial Society It is defined as the society which refers to have a modern structure. Its basically called the modern society. Every coin has its two sides that are why the industrial society has merits and demerits. First talk about the merits industrial society plays a Vitol role in converting the life of the humans into more technological way. It usually means more jobs, wages going up; more need to have better education. It brings to most a higher standard of living. It makes the life of the people more easy and comfortable. The heavy work or jobs which are earlier did by hands now all the stuff is occupied by the machines. A machine makes the work easier and it takes less time to that work. Businesses become quite easier from early days. All the work and deals are done by sitting in one place through internets, phones, laptops etc. The demerits of the industrial society are through industrialization the poor and the people who are below the poverty line are suffered a lot. Many individuals benefited from the new technological advances, job opportunities, and products. With those wages they could provide for themselves enough to adequately meet their needs for survival. The poor were able to enter the workforce and receive wages. Industrialization helped to reduce poverty which eased the stress on governments. Living conditions for the poor became a pressing matter. Also it puts the really bad effect on environment due to use of much machinery and the excessive use of fossil fuels creates lots of problems like pollution and global warming. In conclusion, it is evident that industrialization had both its ups and downs in society. Technological Society Many technological processes produce unwanted by-products, known as pollution, and deplete natural resources, to the detriment of the Earth and its environment. Various implementations of technology influence the values of a society and new technology often raises new ethical questions. Examples include the rise of the notion of efficiency in terms of human productivity, a term originally applied only to machines, and the challenge of traditional norms. Recent technological developments, including the printing press, the telephone, and the Internet, have lessened physical barriers to communication and allowed humans to interact freely on a global scale. However, not all technology has been used for peaceful purposes; the development of weapons of ever-increasing destructive power has progressed throughout history, from clubs to nuclear weapons. Technology has affected society and its surroundings in a number of ways. In many societies, technology has helped develop more advanced economies (including todays global economy) and has allowed the rise of a leisure class. Many technological processes produce unwanted by-products, known as pollution, and deplete natural resources, to the detriment of the Earth and its environment. Various implementations of technology influence the values of a society and new technology often raises new ethical questions. Examples include the rise of the notion of efficiency in terms of human productivity, a term originally applied only to machines, and the challenge of traditional norms. MAJOR PROBLEMS AND THEIR RELATION TO PAST TECHNOLOGIES Overpopulation Together, show that you know how technology freed us from some things on one hand but created new problems on the other. Overpopulation, growth of population to such a size that space, food, water, or other resources available to support it are insufficient. The rapid and dramatic rise in world population that has occurred over the last few hundred years. The worlds population increased from 1.65 billion in 1900 to 3.02 billion in 1960. The United Nations estimated that the population reached 6 billion in late 1999. Thus, the size of the population nearly quadrupled in the span of 100 years, a historically unprecedented rate of increase. Most of this growth is now taking place in the worlds developing countries, where rates of natural increase are much higher than they are in industrialized countries. Concern that this might lead to overpopulation has led some countries to adopt population control policies. Pollution Together, show that you know how technology freed us from some things on one hand but created new problems on the other. Pollution,  contamination  of  ESarths environment with materials that interfere with human health, the quality of life, or the natural functioning of ecosystems (living organisms and their physical surroundings). Although some environmental pollution is a result of natural causes such as volcanic eruptions, most is caused by human activities. Pollution  exists  in  many forms and affects many different aspects of Earths environment. Point-source pollution comes from specific, localized, and identifiable sources, such as sewage pipelines or industrial smokestacks. Nonpoint-source pollution comes from dispersed or uncontained sources, such as contaminated water runoff from urban areas or automobile emissions. The  effects  of  these  pollutants may be immediate or delayed. Primary effects of pollution occur immediately after contamination occurs, such as the death of marine plants and wildlife after an oil spill at sea. Secondary effects may be delayed or may persist in the environment into the future, perhaps going unnoticed for many years. DDT, a nondegradable compound, seldom poisons birds immediately, but gradually accumulates in their bodies. Birds with high concentrations of this pesticide lay thin-shelled eggs that fail to hatch or produce deformed offspring. These secondary effects, publicized by Rachel Carson in her 1962 book, Silent Spring, threatened the survival of species such as the bald eagle and peregrine falcon, and aroused public concern over the hidden effects of nondegradable chemical compounds. As  humans  developed  new technologies, the magnitude and severity of pollution increased. Many historians speculate that the extensive use of lead plumbing for drinking water in Rome caused chronic lead poisoning in those who could afford such plumbing. The mining and smelting of ores that accompanied the transition from the Stone Age to the Metal Age resulted in piles of mining wastes that spread potentially toxic elements such as mercury, copper, lead, and nickel throughout the environment. Evidence  of  pollution during the early Industrial Revolution is widespread. Samples of hair from historical figures such as Newton and Napoleon show the presence of toxic elements such as antimony and mercury. By the 1800s, certain trades were associated with characteristic occupational diseases: Chimney sweeps contracted cancer of the scrotum (the external sac of skin enclosing the testes, or reproductive glands) from hydrocarbons in chimney soot; hatters became disoriented, or mad, from nerve-destroying mercury salts used to treat felt fabric; and bootblacks suffered liver damage from boot polish solvents. By  the  21st  century,  pollution had evolved from a mainly localized problem to one of global consequences in which pollutants not only persisted in the environment, but changed atmospheric and climatic conditions. The Minamata Bay disaster was the first major indication that humans would need to pay more attention to their waste products and waste disposal practices, in particular, hazardous waste disposal. In the years that followed, many more instances of neglect or carelessness resulted in dangerous levels of contamination. In 1976 an explosion at a chemical factory in Seveso, Italy, released clouds of toxic dioxin into the area, exposing hundreds of residents and killing thousands of animals that ate exposed food. In 1978 it was discovered that the Love Canal housing development in New York State was built on a former chemical waste dump. The development was declared uninhabitable. The worlds worst industrial accident occurred in Bhopal, India, in 1984. A deadly gas le aked from an American chemical plant, killing more than 3,800 people and injuring more than 200,000. The  1986  Chernobyl  nuclear reactor accident demonstrated the dangerous contamination effects of large, uncontained disasters. In an unprecedented action, pollution was used as a military tactic in 1991 during the conflict in the Persian Gulf. The Iraqi military intentionally released as much as 1 billion liters (336 million gallons) of crude oil into the Persian Gulf and set fire to more than 700 oil wells, sending thick, black smoke into the atmosphere over the Middle East. Global Warming Together, show that you know how technology freed us from some things on one hand but created new problems on the other. Global Warming or Climate Change,  measurable  increases in the  average temperature of Earths atmosphere, oceans, and landmasses. Scientists believe Earth is currently facing a period of rapid warming brought on by rising levels of heat-trapping gases, known as greenhouse gases, in the atmosphere. Greenhouse  gases  retain the radiant energy (heat) provided to Earth by the Sun in a process known as the greenhouse effect. Greenhouse gases occur naturally, and without them the planet would be too cold to sustain life as we know it. Since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution in the mid-1700s, however, human activities have added more and more of these gases into the atmosphere. For example, levels of carbon dioxide, a powerful greenhouse gas, have risen by 35 percent since 1750, largely from the burning of fossil fuels such as coal, oil, and natural gas. With more greenhouse gases in the mix, the atmosphere acts like a thickening blanket and traps more heat. Economic Collapse If we talked about the todays problem the most ongoing problem is the economy collapse. Normal people feels less percent problem from pollution, global warming. Its effects but not as much as due to the collapse of the economy because it effects every single person in the world directly or indirectly. WAR is the major victim behind the economy collapse because lots and lots of money spend during war time. Same thing is happens with America. Other reasons behind economy collapse are united States have the biggest economy in the world. Due to war reasons and the major industries shifted to Asia we saw there is a great fall in economy. The whole world is affected and it swallows every single person to its effect. Great decline in employment and goods. The people doing lower jobs who are much educated. The major effect we see in United Kingdom because of migration of economy and worldwide economy collapse. PRESENT TECHNOLOGIES AND THE MODERN CORPORATION Together, discuss how the humanist policies and benefits of the modern corporation are the result of technology changing the workplace. Md. Atiqur Rahman Technological Changes of the Past and Present The technology which surrounds almost everyone in the modern society, affects both work and leisure activities. Technology contains information that many would rather it did not have. It influences minds in good and bad ways, and it allows people to share information which they would otherwise not be able to attain. Even if a person does not own a computer or have credit cards, there is information on a computer somewhere about everyone. The technology which is just now beginning to be manipulated and harnessed is affecting the minds of small children and adolescents in ways that could be harmful. It is affecting our immediate future. It also gives another form of communication and exchange of information which was not available before, information that is both good and bad. Technology is one of the principal driving forces of the future; it is transforming our lives and shaping our future at rates unprecedented in history, with profound implications which we cant even begin to see or understand. Many different elements affect how satisfied we are with our lives. The impact of technology on these elements can change how safe, healthy and happy people feel. Simranjit singh gill According to me the economy defines as the system of the country controlled and managed by the indivisible or by the government or by together in the areas like labour, capital, development. Earlier years there was only one system called physical system where the country is controlled by a person called king. Because he had the power so he controlled the workers according to his work. There was no time limitation, on minimum wage fixed, no safety of the workers. People were less educated and they did not about the work and laws. They did their work like a machines and hear the instructions behindly and did what they gave or what they want. But due to advancement in the in the technology and in the education system people become much aware from past period. They formed the legislation (certain rules and regulations )called workplace legislation. People are much aware about their rights and duties. All this factors led to changed the physical economy into the knowledge economy. There are different types of economies but i am going to explain only two economies 1. Mixed economy 2. Command economy MIXED economy means in which government and the private people controls and managed the economy system. Example Canada , United states, Australia. COMMAND economy means in which all the system of economy controlled and managed by the government. Earlier this system is in these countries China, India and other but due to the time they realised that if we bring the mixed economy it will be more helpful in development so they changed there economy. Jaspreet Singh Ahluwalia We have seen that until now there have been always an end of a generation. If we Compare this to physical economy it has to end one day because the system never has an end with the life. It have to changed one day. Physical economy means there are no limits of work, they can be as the wages paid or the time worked. This is the physical economy people suffered with in olden time. Now days this is not so, we have mixed economy, legislation, command economy and capitalism. ETHICS OR TECHNOLOGICAL DETERMINISM IN POLITICS Ethics and Professionalism: Together, discuss ethics and professionalism, showing you know how both are commonly understood, such as the six stages of ethics and the two levels of professionalism. Ethics,  as  a  branch  of philosophy, is considered a normative science, because it is concerned with norms of human conduct, as distinguished from the formal sciences, such as mathematics and logic, and the empirical sciences, such as chemistry and physics. The empirical social sciences, however, including psychology, impinge to some extent on the concerns of ethics in that they study social behavior. For example, the social sciences frequently attempt to determine the relation of particular ethical principles to social behavior and to investigate the cultural conditions that contribute to the formation of such principles. Economic Imperialism and Globalization Together, show how technology allows economic imperialism, globalization and propaganda. Globalization,  comprehensive  term  for the emergence of a global society in which economic, political, environmental, and cultural events in one part of the world quickly come to have significance for people in other parts of the world. Globalization is the result of advances in communication, transportation, and information technologies. It describes the growing economic, political, technological, and cultural linkages that connect individuals, communities, businesses, and governments around the world. Globalization also involves the growth of multinational corporations (businesses that have operations or investments in many countries) and transnational corporations (businesses that see themselves functioning in a global marketplace). The international institutions that oversee world trade and finance play an increasingly important role in this era of globalization. CULTURAL IMPERIALISM AND TECHNOLOGY Together, discuss what role does technology play in cultural imperialism? Will the Internet play the same role as the phonograph, radio, movies, TV, or will it have a different effect? Cultural imperialism is the practice of promoting, distinguishing, separating, or artificially injecting the culture of one society into another. So this leads to influence of colonies, colony is generally distinguished from overseas possession. So technology is relate with the culture because to travel everything needs a path that path is made by technology. Technology plays a Vitol role in inflation of the culture imperialism. Sets the tone for the relentless critical scrutiny of the rest of the work, with the carefully assembling a system of arguments which ultimately cast a shadow of doubt on the legitimacy of defining aspects of U.S. and Western foreign interventions as cultural imperialism. American culture is rich, complex, and unique. It emerged from the short and rapid European conquest of an enormous landmass sparsely settled by diverse indigenous peoples. Although European cultural patterns predominated, especially in language, the arts, and political institutions, peoples from Africa, Asia, and North America also contributed to American culture. All of these groups influenced popular tastes in music, dress, entertainment, and cuisine. As a result, American culture possesses an unusual mixture of patterns and forms forged from among its diverse peoples. Jaspreet Technology has been a dialectical and cumulative process at the center of human experience. It is perhaps best understood in a historical context that traces the evolution of early humans from a period of very simple tools to the complex, large-scale networks that influence most of contemporary human life. The earliest known human artefacts are roughly flaked stones used for chopping and scraping, found primarily in eastern Africa. The next big step in the history of technology was the control of fire. By striking flint against pyrites to produce sparks, people could kindle fires at will, thereby freeing themselves from the necessity of perpetuating fires obtained from natural sources. Besides the obvious benefits of light and heat, fire was also used to bake clay pots, producing heat-resistant vessels that were then used for cooking grains and for brewing and fermenting. Innovations in transportation during the middle Ages revolutionized the spread of technologies and ideas across w ide areas. Such devices as the horseshoe, the whiffletree (for harnessing animals to wagons effectively), and the spring carriage speeded the transfer of people and goods. Twentieth-century technology spread from Europe and the U.S. to other major nations such as Japan and the Soviet Union. It has not, however, pervaded all the countries of the world, by any means. Some so-called developing nations have never experienced the factory system and other institutions of industrialization. The leaders of such countries tend to feel that the acquisition of modern weapons and new technology will provide them with power and prestige. No one, however, can predict the religious, social, and cultural consequences of the transfer of technologies to these countries. Technology has always been a major means for creating new physical and human environments. It is possible to ask today whether technology will also destroy the global civilization that human beings have created. Simranjit Cultural imperialism is the practice of promoting, distinguishing, separating, or artificially injecting the culture of one society into another. So this leads to influence of colonies, colony is generally distinguished from overseas possession. So technology is relate with the culture because to travel everything needs a path that path is made by technology. Technology plays a Vitol role in inflation of the culture imperialism. Sets the tone for the relentless critical scrutiny of the rest of the work, with the carefully assembling a system of arguments which ultimately cast a shadow of doubt on the legitimacy of defining aspects of U.S. and Western foreign interventions as cultural imperialism. American culture is rich, complex, and unique. It emerged from the short and rapid European conquest of an en

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Thoughtful Wedding Speech by the Groom -- Wedding Toasts Roasts Speech

Thoughtful Wedding Speech by the Groom Ladies and gentlemen: I would like to thank the previous speaker for those sincere words and to the bride's parents for the love that they have both shown me, not only in preparation for today, but from the first moment that we met some two and a half years ago. I dont know who was more surprised that first night when my future wife brought me home without warning, when they were sitting there all ready for bed in their satin bath robes and her dad in his Snoopy slippers. Anyway quickly moving on... I did have a speech all worked out for this occasion, but of course now that I'm a married man, my wife has insisted that I read from the one that she has written for me. So here goes: On behalf of my wife and I -I suppose I'm going to have to get used to saying that? I would like to start by thanking everyone here today for sharing our very special day with us. Thank you for all the wonderful gifts and cards that you have given us, we are very touched at your generosity. We have both been very nervous about today and it means a great deal to us that you are sharing our day with us, and we hope that you are enjoying the occasion every bit as much as we are. Most people on their wedding day describe it as the happiest day of their lives. That worries me, because it implies that as from tomorrow there's a lifelong decline ahead, so I`m making the most of today. However, I'm so happy today that even days less happy would still be blissful. I would like to say a special thank you to those of you that have traveled some distance to be here today. It is quite a humbling experience to realize that you have friends and family that care so much for you. And I do genuinely mean that.... ...rything you have done today, and in the build up to the wedding, we have a small gift for you both.(Present gifts) Now before I finish and ask you to join me in a toast. I believe that my lovely wife would like to gatecrash these speeches and say a few words. (The bride?s speech) Thankyou darling. I would like to bring my speech toward a close by saying a very special thankyou to our lovely bridesmaids. I am sure you will all agree on how beautiful they look and I will always treasure the picture in in mind of you both entering the room and walking down the aisle. I would like you to know that your earrings and neck-laces are a token of our appreciation for everything you have done today. On that note. I would like to propose a toast to the bridesmaids, so could you all stand and and raise your glasses and join in as we toast. To the bridesmaids.

Monday, November 11, 2019

The Reasons For Students Disengagement From School Education Essay

The rate at which pupils are dropping out of school is a quandary and has become a serious job for school territories across the state. The intent of this survey was to reap penetrations from the dropouts themselves, sing their determination to go forth school before completion and to codify their perceptual experiences, beliefs and attitudes toward dropping out of school. This paper examines the attitudes, beliefs, and perceptual experiences through interviews. By understanding beads out from school farther there will be greater possible to travel towards a more meaningful impression of one. A qualitative research method was used to concentrate on the significance that people make of their lives, their experiences, and their environment. Ten participants in Penang province made up the sample population particular to this survey. The following subdivision of paper reviews the theoretical research that attempts to explicate why pupils drop out of school based on two perspectives- one that focuses on single factors and one that focuses on institutional and contextual factors. Secondary Youth Perspective on Droping Out of School Concern for dropouts is non new. Mohamad Kamal Haji Nawawi, general director for Malayan Talents Development of Talent Corporation Malaysia Berhad said that: â€Å" between Form One and Form Five, out of the 400,000 pupils that enrolled in Form One, some 44,000 would go forth school yearly before finishing their Form Five, or Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia ( SPM ) . † â€Å" Some 80,000 pupils are estimated to hold dropped out of secondary schools from 2006 to 2010, † said Deputy Education Minister Datuk Dr Wee Ka Siong. Wee speculated that some factors for dungs out may be for wellness grounds, to come in the work force and because of deficiency of involvement in instruction. Previously parents can state they have five or six kids and can non afford to pay school fees. â€Å" Now, the authorities is taking attention of that. If they do non hold the money, they will be given RM100 and for hapless households, we give RM500 one-off, † said Deputy Education Minister Datuk Dr Wee Ka Siong. â€Å" We are working towards that, intending policy-wise we want to do everyone finish Form Five, at least complete the secondary instruction, † he said when asked if the ministry will see doing secondary school registration as mandatary. † said Deputy Education Minister Datuk Dr Wee Ka Siong. Before looking at the grounds for dropping out from school, it is necessary to specify what is means to drop out. We use term â€Å" dropout † refer to youth whom leave secondary school before graduation, including those who leave but return subsequently, and those who later complete some signifier of equivalency sheepskin ( Audus & A ; Willms, 2001 ) . Droping out of school is a serious job, and society is eventually admiting the profound societal and economic effects for pupils, their households, the school and the community. Leaving school without a sheepskin can hold permanent negative effects on the single socially and economically, doing terrible di sadvantages come ining into big life. Theoretical Model Understanding why pupils drop out of school is the key to turn toing this major educational job. A figure of theories have been advanced to understand the particular phenomenon of the saging out ( Audas and Willms, 2001 ; Finn and Zimmer, 2012 ; Rumberger and Lim, 2008 ) . I present two models that focus on two positions for understanding this phenomenon. One model is based on an single position and one that focuses on an institutional position that focuses on the contextual factors found in pupils ‘ households, school, communities and equals. Both models are utile and, so, necessary to understand this complex phenomenon. It is of import for the community to cognize why pupils are dropping out of school. There are figure of grounds. Individual position Individual factors that predict whether pupils drop out or alumnus from high school autumn into four countries: ( 1 ) educational public presentation, ( 2 ) behaviours, ( 3 ) attitudes, and ( 4 ) background. ( 1 ) Educational public presentation. Droping out represents one facet of three interconnected dimensions of educational public presentation: ( 1 ) academic accomplishment, as reflected in classs and trial tonss, ( 2 ) educational stableness, which reflects whether pupils remain in the same school ( school stableness ) or remain enrolled in school at all ( enrollment stableness ) , and ( 3 ) educational attainment, which is reflected by old ages of schooling completed and the completion of grades or sheepskin ( Rumberger and Lim, 2008 ) . The model suggests that educational attainment is dependent on both educational stableness and academic accomplishment. That is, pupils who either interrupt their schooling by dropping out or altering schools, or who have hapless academic accom plishment in school, are less likely to graduate or finish that section of schooling. ( 2 ) Behavior. A broad scope of behaviours both in and out of school have been shown to foretell dropout and graduation. One of the most of import is student battle, which includes pupils ‘ active engagement in academic work ( e.g. , coming to category, making prep ) and the societal facets of school ( e.g. , take parting in athleticss or other extracurricular activities ) . Research systematically finds that high absenteeism-one specific index of battle is associated with higher dropout rates. Misbehavior in high school and delinquent behaviour outside of high school are both significantly associated with higher dropout and lower graduation rates. Having friends who engage in condemnable behaviour or friends who have dropped out besides increases the odds of dropping out. Finally, a figure of surveies have found that pupils who work more than 20 hours a hebdomad are significantly more likely to drop out. ( 3 ) Attitudes. The dropout literature has by and large focused on a individual indicator- educational outlooks ( how far in school a pupil expects to travel ) and has found that higher degrees of educational outlooks are associated with lower dropout rates. ( 4 ) Background. A figure of pupil background features have been shown to foretell backdown from school. Institutional Position Research on dropouts has identified a figure of factors within pupils ‘ households, schools, and communities that predict dropping out and graduating. Family factors. Family background is widely recognized as the individual most of import subscriber to success in school. Surveies from the U.S. and the U.K. have systematically found that factors refering to the kid ‘s household fortunes are significantly related to dropping out of school. These include: socioeconomic position ( SES ) , with those coming from hapless backgrounds being more likely to drop out ; household construction, with those coming from big and single-parent households being more likely to drop out and parents ‘ employment position, with those populating with parents who are unemployed being more likely to drop out. School factors. It is widely acknowledged that schools exert powerful influences on pupil accomplishment, including dropout rates. School effects are peculiarly of import since they are the chief mechanism through which authoritiess can aim policies to control dropping out, adolescent gestation and a assortment of other unwanted results. Wehlage and Rutter, 1986, as cited in Audas and Willms, 2001 found that young person who had dropped out sensed instructors to be less interested in them, and viewed school subject as uneffective and inequitably applied. Those destined to go forth school early had more disciplinary jobs, and were by and large dissatisfied with how their instruction was traveling. Community and Peers. In add-on to households and schools, communities and equal groups can act upon pupils ‘ backdown from school. Research ( Ellenbogen & A ; Chamberland, 1997 as cited in Audus & A ; Willms, 2001 ) examine the equal webs of at-risk young persons and depict how their webs compare to those of young person deemed to be of a low hazard of dropping out of school. They identify three established tendencies: First, existent dropouts and hereafter dropouts have more friends who have dropped out. Second, future dropouts tend to be rejected by their school equals. Finally, at-risk persons tend to miss integrating into their school ‘s societal web. Research Question The research inquiries examined in this paper are: What are the grounds for pupils ‘ detachment from school? What factors contributed to their determination to go forth? Can the dropouts themselves reveal the critical junctions in their determination to disrupt their instruction? What can school decision makers and pedagogues do to forestall pupils from dropping out? The chief focal point of treatment will be around the grounds for dropping out of school and cognizing why they make such determination. The 3rd research inquiry is to understand either they still can endorse into some educational scene. Finally, the 4th inquiry is looks at illustrations of good pattern, seek to forestall this procedure happens once more. Significance of the Study Keeping pupils in school is really of import for the wellbeing of the pupils and society as a whole. Objective of this paper is to understand the attitudes, beliefs, and perceptual experiences of the dropout pupils through interviews. The participant reply will assist schools develop plans or policies for cut downing the school bead out rate. What helps in accomplishing this nonsubjective must be studied so that suited intercessions and policies may be drawn out and implemented by the relavant governments. To cut down the dropout rates of pupils in the long tally, the issue of school battle must be given due consideration. Schools can besides profit from the findings of the survey. Schol disposal can analyze how existing school patterns, the school atmosphere and instructors affect pupils ‘ school attitude. Research Paradigm Methodology Design A qualitative research method was used to concentrate on the significance that people make of their lives, their experiences, and their environment. A qualitative research can assist understanding the experience of dropping out of school. Interveiw and interact with a little group of school dropouts. Method of Data Collection Main interview types that qualitative research workers use are in-depth, one-on-one interviews. Interviews are the most common method of informations aggregation for qualitative research. Answers collected from structured interviews. These interviews were typically 15 to 30 proceedingss in continuance. The participants were asked a set of structured open-ended inquiries in a prearranged order. The participants will be asked a few inquiries about the attitudes, beliefs, and perceptual experiences through interviews. The interview will be recorded in audio format and each reply was transcribed. Participants of the Study Ask participants to propose other participants who qualify. Participants can decline to reply any inquiry. Participant replies to all inquiries are private. Procedure The interview will be conducted on 10 participants with the presence of research worker. Throughout the session, the participants will be asked a few inquiries about the attitudes, beliefs, and perceptual experiences through interviews. It will wholly be done in a maximal clip of 30 proceedingss, and a lower limit of 15 proceedingss, and merely be a erstwhile interview, this is so that the participants would non be excessively tired after the interview. The interview will be recorded in audio format so that a written text can be done. The interview will be done in a closed room so that the privateness and the confidentiality of the participants will be protected with the best attempts of the experimenter.