Saturday, November 9, 2019

Economic Immigration

Chavez Department of Chicana and Chicano Studies at the University of California, Los Angeles. He has a Ph. D. n political science from the University of Chicago. The thesis statement or main argument of this article is the following, â€Å"Comprehensive immigration reform that legalizes currently unauthorized immigrants and creates flexible legal limits on future immigration in the context of full labor rights would help American workers and the U. S economy. † Clearly the main goal of this Dr. OJeda writing this paper is shed light on the many economic benefits for the United States if a comprehensive immigration reformation law was passed.Some of the evidence used by the author to validate the his thesis is for xample this excerpt from the article, â€Å"The historical experience of legalization under the 1986 Immigration Reform and Control Act indicates that comprehensive immigration reform would raise wages, increase consumption, create Jobs and generate additional tax r evenue. Even though the Immigration Reform and Control Act was implemented during a period that included a recession and high unemployment (1990-1991), it still helped raise wages and spurred increases in educational, home, and small business investments by newly legalized immigrants.Taking the experience of the Immigration Reform and Control Act as a starting point, e estimate that comprehensive immigration reform would yield at least $1. 5 trillion in added U. S gross domestic product (GDP) over 10 years. † (Ojeda, 2012, 176) I am an immigrant from Mexico myself and I know the struggle that goes on each and every day in the lives of illegal immigrants. I moved here when I was 4 years old and have been raised in a Mexican-American culture.I love this country and consider myself an American, this country has provided for me the path to live out my dreams and be whatever I choose to be in life, and for that I will always be grateful. Just last ear thanks to the Deferred Action law that was put into effect, more than 700,000 undocumented students qualified for a 2 year work/study permit, a chance to get a driver's license and to finally have legal standing and documentation in this country.The effect it will have on the future of the United States is a positive one and will benefit the growth of the country in many sectors greatly. I strongly believe this article is crucial to the United States we live in today and to the future of the United States. It exposes a lot of myths and calms a lot of worries concerning whether or not comprehensive immigration reform would help the country at all.

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